International seminar on the contribution of Higher Agricultural Education to learning and development in rural Asia
China agricultural University, Beijing, China
25-28 April 2006
The seminar underlined the role that Higher education must play in contributing to achieving the EFA goals, poverty alleviation and
rural development.
Beyond its traditional role, higher agricultural education can support other levels of education with knowledge and information on agricultural and natural resources management and can promote education for sustainable development.
The main outcome of the seminar was that Lifelong Learning is essential for stimulating innovation in local economies and communities and that universities
should engage more directly as partners of local educational institutions and their communities in Education for Rural People (ERP).
The seminar, organized by FAO and UNESCO Beijing, and hosted by the China Agricultural University of Beijing, constituted the last step of a research project that started in 2004, with an inception workshop hosted by the University of Tsukuba, in Japan.
The participation involved other institutions such as the Universities of Tsukuba and Obihiro and the China Agricultural University.
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