FAO Headquarter, Rome
12-14 June 2006
The "Meeting of the International Working Group on Education" (IWGE), organized by UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning and hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Sustainable Development Department,
addressed two major topics: Education for Rural People and Capacity Building.
The meeting analyzed what are the consequences of taking into consideration the specific needs of rural population at primary level, in non formal education, in technical an vocational education, and at higher education.
Secondly, the meeting discussed the importance of capacity building to the preparation of good education plans, programs and reforms.
The Group took stock of current trends in development cooperation, such as the Sector Wide Approaches (SWAPS), Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) and follow up of Education for All (EFA) and the MDG's including the Fast Track Initiative.
A special-interest group on "Transparency, Corruption and Education for All" was organized at the end of the IWGE with the participation of representatives of civil societies and members of agencies working on governance and transparency issues.
IWGE is an informal group of aid agencies and foundations. It was created in 1972 to enable donor agencies to exchange information and work closely together on education issues. Since 1982, it has devoted itself to the development and promotion of basic education. It played a catalytic role in the Education for All (EFA) Conference in Jomtien.
Monday, 12 June
- M. Bray, IIEP Director : Opening speech
- A. Müller, ADG/Sustainable Development Department FAO:
Welcome remarks
Chair : Changhu Mannothoko ( UNICEF)
Show and tell (all agencies)
Presentation of the Global Action Plan for EFA (A Husain. UNESCO)
Tuesday, 13 June
Education for rural people.
Chair :Ruth Kagia ( World Bank)
- L. Gasperini (FAO): The ERP flagship partnership
- P. de Muro & F. Burchi (University of Roma 3): Education for Rural People: a neglected key to MDGs
- K. Bartlett (Aga Khan foundation): Increasing Access to Quality Learning Opportunities: AKDN Lessons and Experiences
- M. Hartl (IFAD): Education and training for rural people
Education for rural people (continued)
Chair :Marcella Villareal ( FAO)
- E. Velez (WB): Education for Rural People Compensatory Programs in Latin America
- D. Atchoarena (IIEP). The contribution of higher agricultural education to learning and development in rural areas
Capacity building.
Chair :Kathy Bartlett(AKF)
- F. Caillods (IIEP:) Capacity development in educational planning and management
- Y. Yokozeki (JICA): Capacity building in science and Mathematics: the JICA project
- T. Caprio (FTI CD Task Team): How to fill the capacity gap
Wednesday, 14 June
Panel: Absorption capacity and capacity building
Chair :D Levesque ( DFID)
- R. Kagia (World Bank): Capacity and Service Delivery in Education. Rising to the Challenge
- G. Flaig & T. Caprio (GTZ): Capacity development and education quality. Caught between donor commitments and absorption capacity
- J.C. Balmes (AFD France): The capacity gap. An urgent matter but a long term issue
Follow-up of Dakar
Chair : J hatch (USAID)
- Y. Sayed : Progress/Stock Taking Report on EFA, the GMR 2008 report
- A. Motivans (UIS): Data requirements for monitoring
Ethics and transparency in Education
Chair : M Bray ( IIEP)
- J. Hallak & M Poisson (IIEP) : Selected findings of the IIEP's research work on "Ethics and corruption in education"
- Panel on corruption and educational financing.
Arne Kr. Larsen (Norad): Educational financing and corruption
Rhea Saab (UNICEF): Ethics, Transparency and Protection of Children’s Rights
M. T. Brassiolo (Transparency International):Transparency International, Corruption in Education
I. Dedze (OSI): Transparency and Accountability in the Education Sector in Eastern European and Central Asia Countries
The future of IWGE
Chair : M Bray
Contributions (available as PDF downloads) addressed the following themes:
I. Education for rural people
- Education for rural people: a neglected key to MEGs
by F. Burchi and P. De Muro
- (a) Increasing access to quality learning opportunities for rural children by Kathy- Bartlett, AKF
(b) Increasing access to quality learning opportunities: AKDN lessons and experiences by Kathy- Bartlett, AKF
- Education and training in IFAD supported projects for rural development
by Maria Hartl, IFAD)
- Education for rural people - compensatory programs in Latin America
by Eduardo Velez, World Bank)
- (a) The contribution of higher agricultural education to learning and development in rural areas: experiences and policy implications by D. Atchoarena, IIEP)
(b) The contribution of higher agricultural education to learning and development in rural areas: experiences and policy implications by D. Atchoarena, IIEP
II. Capacity building
- (a) Capacity development in educational planning and management: IIEP's experience by F. Caillods and A. de Grauwe
(b) Capacity development in educational planning and management: IIEP's experience by F. Caillods
- Capacity Development in Education - the case of JICA support in mathematics and science education by Yumiko Yokozeki, JICA
- The Education For All - Fast-Track Iniviative "How to fill the capacity gap"? by Temby Caprio, Germany
III. Absorption capacity and capacity building
- Capacity and service delivery in Education
by Ruth Kagia, World Bank
- Capacity development and education quality: Caught between donor commitments and absorption capacities
by Gert Flaig, GTZ
- The capacity gap. An urgent matterbut a long term issue
by Jean-Claude Balmles, AFD
IV. Follow-up of Dakar
- 2008 EFA Report Concept - A global review of progress since Dakar by GMR, Paris
- From Data to Policy: challenges for monitoring progress in education
by A. Motivans, UIS
V. Ethics and transparency in Education
- Ethics and corruption in education - Selected findings of IIEP's synthesis report
by J. Hallak and M. Poisson
- Educational financing and corruption. NORAD framework and experiences by A. Larsen, NORAD