Role of Relevant Basic Education in Achieving Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development.
30th June 2006, St. James's Square, London
Tom Vandenbosch, (ICRAF) presented a research on the Role of Relevant Basic Education in Achieving Food Security and Sustainable Development. Ms. Gasperini (FAO), discussant, presented the ERP partnership, of which ICRAF is a very active member. The ICRAF research was part of the EC-PREP workshop session titled: Supporting the Agricultural sector in Developing Countries: Perspectives on Food Aid and Food Security.
The workshop session disseminated the research findings of the programme EC-PREP. EC-PREP is a programme of research to enhance collaboration between the European Commission and DFID. Its main objective is to enhance the poverty impact of the European Community's development assistance and contribute to achieving the International development
target of halving the number of people living in extreme poverty by 2015.
DFID assigned €3.2 million to EC-PREP to fund policy-oriented research projects which relate to one or more of the six focal areas identified in the 2000 EC's Development Policy Declaration in the context of their link to poverty eradication. EC-PREP has funded 13 Research Projects and 10 Commissioned Studies focusing on one or several Research Themes.
Summary of the research projects presented.
Additional information on EC-PREP can be found at |