School and Community Farmland Biodiversity Conservation project
17 May 2007
The project "School and Community Farmland Biodiversity Conservation" has been proposed by
the Thai Education Foundation, one of the six organizations winning the competition "Save the Planet: Asian TV Series".
It was sponsored in collaboration with the Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU),Tokyo
in the framework of ACCU-UNESCO Asia-Pacific Programme.
It was also supported by the UNESCO/Japan Funding-Trust for the Promotion of Education for Sustainable
Development and it is dedicated to the United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable
Development (2005 - 2014).
Thai Education Foundation is an ERP partner and has been working with some 50 schools in 4 provinces of Thailand to
arise community awareness on the importance of the farmland bio-diversities and conserving species that are important to their livelihoods.
The project started with 8 schools and was expanded to 50 schools.
It was supported by local, national and international agencies.