Capacity for Food Security: the Role of Education and Training
2 February 2010
Rome, FAO Headquarters
The ERP Coordination Unit presented the first draft of Mr. Ingemar Gustafsson paper on “Capacity for Food Security and the importance of Education and Training; Outline of an analytical framework”. People from the FAO Interdepartmental Working Group on Capacity Development (IDWGCD,) of the Task Group on Training For Technicians and FAO staff took part in the presentation and contributed to enhancing this document which focusses on the role of education and training, including Education for Rural People, as part of the concepts of Capacity Development and Food Security. Knowledge and learning is central to Capacity Development.
Dr. Ingemar Gustafsson, Consultant and Guest Researcher, University of Stockholm, Sweden has a background in Swedish Development Cooperation where he has been responsible for the coordination of the policy for Capacity Development and Director of the Education Department of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida.