For more information, click on the activity 2011 | 
| Sustainable food systems, food security and rural people capacity development | 
| Seminar "The role of education in the development of human capital: the rural context | 
| 19 December 2011 | | 
| 1 December 2011 | 
| Modena, Italy | | 
| Rome, Italy | 
| | 
| Higher Education and Rural Development in northern Uganda | 
| Inter-Agency Technical Meeting on Broadening Coherence and Collaboration for Rural Development through Employment and Decent Work | 
| 25 November 2011 | | 
| 14-15 November 2011 | 
| FAO, Rome, Italy | | 
| IFAD, Rome, Italy | 
| | 
| 5th APEAEN International Conference Theme: Enriching Agricultural Learning Process towards Sustainable Food Security | 
| ERP intervention in Salus Hominis Second Seminar | 
| October 2011 | | 
| 4-6 November 2011 | 
| Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand | | 
| Rome, Italy | 
| | 
| Investing in Youth Policy
| Seminar on Economics of Rural Development - Education for Rural People | 
| October 2011 | | 
| 11 October 2011 | 
| | 
| Venice, Italy | 
| | 
| "Unleashing the potential of rural people through education and training for food security and development"
| 7th World Conference on Global Consortium of Higher Education and Research for Agriculture (GCHERA) | 
| 6 JULY 2011 | | 
| June 27 to 29, 2011 | 
| Geneva, Switzerland | | 
| Beauvais, France | 
| | 
| Presentation of the book “Education for Rural People. The role of education, training and capacity development in poverty reduction and food security” at Federico II University in Naples
| Presentation of the book “Education for Rural People. The role of education, training and capacity development in poverty reduction and food security” at "CEIS" in Rome | 
| 26 May 2011 | | 
| 16 May 2011 | 
| Naples, Italy | | 
| Rome, Italy | 
| | 
| Seminar “Education for Rural People. The role of education, training and capacity development in poverty reduction and food security” at "Roma Tre" University in Rome
| Presentation of the book “Education for Rural People. The role of education, training and capacity development in poverty reduction and food security” at "LUMSA" University in Rome | 
| 13 May 2011 | | 
| 29 March 2011 | 
| Rome, Italy | | 
| Rome, Italy | 
| | 
| Meeting with Pastoral Social Caritas Ecuador delegation | 
| Inter-disciplinary Dialogue on "Reaping the Demographic Dividend in Agriculture and Rural Development" | 
| 21 February 2011 | | 
| 19-21 February 2011 | 
| FAO Headquarter, Rome | | 
| Chennai, India | 
| | 
| Sovranità Alimentare: sfida per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Il ruolo della società civile internazionale | 
| Eleventh Meeting of the Working Group on Education for All | 
| 18 February 2011 | | 
| 2-3 February 2011 | 
| Rome, Italy | | 
| Paris, France | 
| | 
| National Conference on 'Call of Time: United Natures' | 
| Seminar “Rural education and food security" at "La Sapienza" University | 
| 29- 30 January 2011 | | 
| 20 January 2011 | 
| Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi | | 
| "La Sapienza" University, Rome | 
| | 
| Presentation of the book "Education for Rural People, The role of training and Capacity Development in Poverty Reduction and Food Security" | 
| GCHERA Executive Committee Meeting | 
| 17 January 2011 | | 
| 10-11 January 2011 | 
| Bangkok | | 
| Rome, FAO Headquarters | 
| | 
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