Conference "Human development & food sovereignity"
22 Avril 2012. Associazione universitaria cooperazione allo sviluppo.
Venerdì 20 la dott.ssa Lavinia Gasperini della FAO ci ha portato la sua esperienza all'interno dell'organizzazione parlandoci in particolare del problema dell'educazione delle popolazioni rurali.
La globalizzazione e le principali sfide per le giovani generazioni delle aree rurali
Facoltà di Agraria, Foggia University.
Press Clipping
Il ruolo dell’educazione nello sviluppo del capitale umano.
1 dicembre 2011. La@Sapienza - Notizie - Appuntamenti e comunicati stampa
Giovedì 1 dicembre. Si terrà, presso l’aula B dell’edificio di Scienze politiche, Il ruolo dell’educazione nello sviluppo del capitale umano: il contesto rurale,
Desertificazione, quel nemico silenzioso che uccide il pianeta. L'istruzione é di centrale importanza
17 June 2011. Sito web:
In che modo l'istruzione agricola aiuta concretamente a contrastare il problema della desertificazione?
More Pag. 1
Pag. 2
Presentation of the book “Education for Rural People. The role of education, training and capacity development in poverty reduction and food security”
at LUMSA University
29 March 2011.
In the framework of the initiative “Incontri sulle carriere internazionali” a member of the Education for Rural People Coordination Unit
presented the Italian version of the book “Education for Rural People.
ERP contributed to the fifth annual Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Annual Ministerial Review (AMR)
e-discussion on Education: " Closing the Gap"
March 2011.
MDGNet is a UNDG virtual network which supports global dialogue on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). MDGNet is a platform for practitioners to exchange information and experience about issues such as the design and implementation of policies and strategies in support of achieving the MDGs, monitoring and reporting
of MDG progress, and MDG advocacy and campaigning activities.
ERP contribution
Sovranità Alimentare: sfida per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Il ruolo della società civile internazionale
16 Febbraio 2011. Sito web:
La Sovranità alimentare come risposta alla crisi umanitaria, ambientale ed economica. E' la proposta della FOCSIV che sarà discussa dopo domani alle ore 15.30 presso Palazzo Rospigliosi, Salone delle Statue (via XXIV Maggio, 43) nel corso del seminario "Sovranità Alimentare: sfida per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Il ruolo della società civile internazionale”, organizzato dalla FOCSIV nell’ambito del progetto Rural education between global active citizenship and food security.
Conclusione del Progetto Rural Education
Febbraio 2011. NaturalmenteVerona
Presso la Città dell’AltraEconomia di Roma si è svolto il 17 e 18 febbraio scorsi, il seminario conclusivo del progetto “Rural Education”. Un momento internazionale che ha coronato tre anni di lavoro in tre continenti (America Latina, Africa, Europa) con 15 differenti realtà coinvolte, dai sindacati agricoli contadini del Perù, alle Organizzazioni Non Governative di Zanzibar, alle reti di Economia Solidale d’Italia. Tema del Progetto: la Sovranità alimentare. Circa una quarantina i partecipanti; il seminario si è concluso con un evento organizzato da FOCSIV e svoltosi a Palazzo Rospigliosi, sede della Coldiretti, dal titolo “Sovranità alimentare: sfida per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Il ruolo della società civile internazionale”. Fra le varie autorità internazionali presenti, all’evento hanno partecipato anche responsabili del Ministero degli Affari Esteri Italiano, della FAO e dell’Università di Milano.
La Fao incontra gli studenti della Sapienza
January 2011. Sito web:
Giovedì 20 gennaio alle ore 9 presso l'aula di etnologia dell'edificio di Lettere della Sapienza di Roma, si terrà un incontro con tutti gli studenti interessati sul tema dell'educazione rurale e sicurezza alimentare, grazie alla FAO. Sarà un'occasione unica per approfondire la conoscenza del funzionamento diun'agenzia dell'ONU.
La Fao incontra gli studenti della Sapienza
20 January 2011.
Giovedì 20 gennaio alle ore 9 presso l’aula di etnologia dell’edificio di Lettere, si terrà un incontro con gli studenti sul tema dell’educazione rurale e sicurezza alimentare.
New realities, new challenges: new opportunities for tomorrow's generation. The IFAD 2011 Rural Poverty Report.
December 2010.
The Rural Poverty Report 2011 provides a coherent and comprehensive look at rural poverty, its global consequences and the prospects for eradicating it. In the report, it’s asserted that education is a key component for eliminating hunger and poverty and that agricultural education and training are fundamental for providing skills and for rural development. In the report the education theme is often faced in different contexts.
At page 172 (Box 20) an example of the rural education and at page 266 a Literacy and Education table are also provided.
The Education for Rural People literature is mentioned in the bibliography
and is reflected in many parts of the report such as "This will require strengthening agricultural
education, research and advisory services, and fostering greater collaboration,
innovation and problem-solving among smallholders, researchers and service
providers. It will also require building coalitions, sharing responsibilities and creating
synergies among governments, civil society, the private sector – and above all –
farmers and their organizations." pag. 8 of the Summary.
FAO contribution in the preparation of the report is acknowledged at page 13.
10 December 2010. L'Eco di Bergamo
Domani si celebra la ricorrenza della Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti umani e il Terra Madre day.
Acker: Agriculture is powerful tool vs. poverty
15 November 2010. Stories
Landing in Greece with 10 Greek words in his vocabulary, David Acker felt like a Boy Scout dropped off in the woods during a survival exercise. In a way, he was.
Youth at the United Nations: The UN Youth Agenda
September 2010.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy.
Rural Development
April 2010. Pelican Web
In spite of rapid urbanization, three billion people or 60 % of the population in developing countries, and half of the world population, still live in rural areas. Education and training are essential in addressing rural poverty and ensuring sustainable development in these parts of the world.
The Millennium Development Goal (MDG)
29 September 2010. GABUO/COFL
By FAO and UN
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is working with its Members and the entire international community for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
FAO and the eight Millennium Development Goals
September 2010. FAO, Rome.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is working with its Members and the entire international community
for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
September 2010. UNESCO, Paris.
Discusses the importance of public policies
on environmental education for adults and
highlights some educational approaches (e.g.
transformative learning in sustainable local
processes, capacity-building for rural people).
Seminar “For a biodiversity culture” (“Per una cultura della biodiversitá”)
Villa Celimontana, Rome, 8 April 2010
Press clippings
On 8 April, the Education for Rural People team intervened in the seminar “For a biodiversity culture” (“Per una cultura della biodiversitá”) focusing especially on FAO work on
Education for Rural people, and its relation with biodiversity and food security. ......
Education. Investing in the future.
October 2008. Ilaria, Rivista della cooperazione italiana, Rome.
Aminata stopped studying at the age of seven. She was assaulted by a man on her way to school, a crumbling structure that once served as a sheep pen and a two hours' walk from her home.
Sharing lessons from a UNESCO Associated Schools partnership.
June 2008. Unpacking the Suitcase
A seminar on school linking and partnerships, hosted by
UNESCO Associated Schools in the UK, brought together
40 education practitioners from the UK and Zanzibar on 26
June. The event took place at the National Botanic Garden
of Wales
The Education for Rural People (ERP) Tool Kit.
19 July 2005. The Communication Initiative Network. Where communication and media are central to social and economic development.
This tool kit is structured as a website providing a wide range of educational materials and other resources designed for use by "rural teachers, instructors, trainers, parents, researchers,
Workshop on Education for Rural People in Africa.
FAO, Rome,
28-29 November 2007.
Press clippings
Approximately 70% of Africa's population lives in rural areas. These areas have the highest proportions of poor,
the majority of out-of-school children and the highest illiteracy rates ......
Vicky Colbert, fundadora de la Escuela Nueva, recibió premio de fundación de Bill Clinton
Octubre 10 de 2007. - El
De los cuatro premios inaugurales de la Iniciativa Global Clinton a innovaciones en el área social,
Colbert fue la única mujer y latinoamericana en recibir el galardón.
FAO: Diffondere la cultura nelle zone povere del pianeta
17 ottobre 2006. - Eco Radio.
"Educazione per le popolazioni rurali".
Questo é il titolo di un progetto internazionale coordinato dalla FAO.
Giornata mondiale dell'alimentazione: l'iniziativa della Provincia
16 ottobre 2006. - Rete Telematica della Provincia di Venezia.
A Mirano
Alzarsi in piedi per sollecitare i potenti del mondo a fare qualcosa di concreto contro la povertà nel mondo,
rispettando quelli che sono gli impegni assunti a livello internazionale.
Urge FAO a capacitar agricultores de América Latina y el Caribe.
5 September 2006. Euro - La Nueva Agricultura. La región de América Latina y el Caribe necesita invertir en capacitación profesional de sus agricultores, con la creación de un capital humano que permita modernizar el sector agrícola y romper el círculo de la pobreza rural.
Profesionalizar a los agricultores de América Latina
5 September 2006. - FAO, Sala de prensa
On line video-conference on Education for Rural People
10 August 2006.
Caribbean Conference on Education for Rural People: Food Security, Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainable Livelihoods.
18-19 May 2006. - Rex St. Lucian
Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia, West Indies
On line chat on Education for Rural People.
9 May 2006. - Transitions Online hosts a web chat with
FAO's Senior Officer: Extension, Education and Communication Service - Lavinia Gasperini.
Moderator: Barbara Frye.
International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD)
and education for rural people
24 February 2006 - Interview
to FAO's Officer:
Land Tenure Systems Analysis - Paolo Groppo.
ERP presented as a Key decision-making policy issue at the Fifth meeting of High-Level Group on Education for All
28-30 November 2005 -
The Fifth meeting of High-Level Group on Education for All was held in
Beijing, China. Press clippings
Working Group For International Co-operation in Skills Development
10 - 11 November 2005 -
The Working Group For International Co-operation in Skills Development was held in
FAO Headquarter, Rome. Press clippings
Educación para la Población Rural en Latino América -
September 29,
2005. - Organización de Alianzas y Redes de Articulación Pública, Privada y su Contribución al Desarrollo de Políticas en el Sector
FAO, UNESCO e IICA apoyan el desarrollo de la educación rural en Latinoamérica.
Education is the best road
out of poverty for rural african poor
September 27,
2005. - Interview by
La Voix de l'Amérique
(Camille Grosdidier) to FAO's Senior Officer: Extension, Education and Communication Service - Lavinia Gasperini:
Education in Africa - FAO initiative in Addis Ababa
September 18,
2005. - Interview by
Carmela Giglio to FAO's Senior Officer: Extension, Education and Communication Service - Lavinia Gasperini:
Illiteracy in Africa
September 15,
2005. - At the seminar of African ministries of education in Addis Abeba (Ethiopia), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) underlined the "critical role" and the "primary importance" of education
for sustainable development and the eradication of poverty in rural contexts.
Illiteracy hinders rural development and food security
September 8,
2005. Panapress. The African perspective -
The African perspective. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Education is the most effective way to empower the rural poor to get out of poverty
September 7,
2005. News-Medical.Net - Education is the most effective way to empower the rural poor to get out of poverty and to ensure that the Millennium Development Goals are met in sub-Saharan Africa,"
according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Education for the Rural Poor is Crucial in Africa
7-9 September 2005 - Ministerial Seminar on
Education for Rural People in Africa:
Policy Lessons, Options and Priorities
was held in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Press clippings
Education Is the Best Road Out of Poverty for Rural African Poor
September 6,
2005. - UN News center pressrelease
On the eve of an international meeting on development and education, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) today said that education provides the best route for the rural poor in Sub-Saharan Africa to work their way out of poverty.
More |
A school garden ... ... knowledge and culture
July 6,
2005. - Interview by
Channel Africa (Jenine Coetzer) to FAO's Senior Officer: Extension, Education and Communication Service - Lavinia Gasperini:
Since 1997, over 150 school garden initiatives in more than 40 countries have been supported by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, the F.A.O. The organisation says school gardens can be a powerful tool to improve the quality of both nutrition and education of children and their families in developing countries, especially if they are integrated with national agricultural, nutrition and education programmes.
More |
School gardens: education and nutrition go together
30 June,
2005. FAO newsroom.
Support by farmers and parents is essential.
Press clippings
La Provincia di Biella e la FAO.
17 June,
2005. La provincia di Biella e la FAO.
La Provincia di Biella, capofila della cooperazione internazionale insieme a FAO e Acra.
Education for Rural People (ERP), a crucial step towards the Millennium Goals.
15 June,
2005. FAO newsroom.
Education for rural people, a crucial step towards the Millennium Goals.
Identifying the needs of rural communities is essential.
Press clippings
Education for Rural People (ERP), the new Flagship
2005. Development Education Times n.7 -
News from Europe.
Building awareness on the importance of ERP is a crucial step to achieve all the MDGs, and particularly, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education and promoting gender equity.
ACRA, on behalf of the Italian NGO Association, invites you to know more about ERP and to join this challenge!
Helping rural communities
3 May,
2005. -
The Hindu. Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Education Plus Kerala
UN goes online to educate rural people with Tool kit to slash hunger and poverty
2005. -
The tool kit will help policy-makers to implement education programmes
and improve the quality level of education in rural areas.
United Nation Environment Programme
More |
A New Online Education Tool Kit on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to educate rural people
27 April,
2005. -
The ERP new online education tool kit on agriculture, forestry and fisheries was included
in the FAO Fisheries Web site.
Nuevo sitio educativo de la FAO en Internet para la población rural
26 April,
2005. -
- Radio Naciones Unidas. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) lanzó hoy un nuevo sitio de Internet con materiales educativos dirigidos a la población rural pobre.
More |
Educating Rural People is Essential for Achieving the Millennium Goals.
A New Online Education Tool Kit on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to educate rural people
26 Avril,
2005, ROME. For the first time,
a tool kit including a wide range
of teaching and learning tools for
the education of rural people is available
on the Internet.
Press clippings
Support to Kosovo initiative
3 and 4 March 2005 - A 2 day workshop was held at OSCE HQ,
in Pristina, Kosovo, by the Inter-Ministerial and Stakeholder Working Group (IMSWG)
on Curriculum Contextualization for basic education (grades 6-9)
in rural areas. The Kosovo ERP strategy , supported by FAO, has generated quite a number of actions which have been taken by the Government of Kosovo to implement aspects of the strategy.
More |
La Educación Rural en América Latina
Jan. 2005 InterCambios Año 4 N°46
La Educación Rural en América Latina.
The contribution of NGOs to ERP
December, 2004 -
In an interview Ms. Ada Civitani (Association of Rural Cooperation in Africa and Latin America ACRA) talks about the contribution of NGOs to ERP while giving insights on how to strengthen collaboration between NGOs and UN agencies.
Source:United System Network on Rural Development and Food Secutity Website
Not to forget Africa
December 6,
2004 - Interview to Lavinia Gasperini (FAO/SDRE),
RAI Radio Uno 8,00 - GRR -
Saxa Rubra - Roma - I.
Not to forget Africa.
The plague of illeteracy in some countries affects more than 80% of the population.
the gap between urban and rural
illiteracy November 25, 2004 -
Representatives from more than 100
non-governmental and civil society organizations
from developed and developing countries, senior
officials from the Italian Development Cooperation
programme and experts from FAO, UNESCO and other
international organizations have agreed on
strengthening their cooperation in order to
address the basic education needs of the world's
biggest neglected majority: rural people. A
partnership project will raise public awareness in
Europe on the importance of education for rural
people in poor countries and the urgent need to
target rural areas where over 70 percent of the
world's poor are caught in the vicious circle of
being unable to access the services and
opportunities that might take them out of poverty.
The project, discussed at a three-day meeting
(15-17 November) is co- financed by the European
Commission, several European NGOs, FAO and UNESCO.
Source:United System Network on Rural Development and Food Secutity Website
FAO/UNESCO Join NGO's in Promoting Education for Rural People 17 November,
2004 - Two UN agencies - the Food and Agriculture Organization and UNESCO - have joined with civil society from developed and developing countries to strengthen their cooperation.
Capacity Building Workshop on "Education for Rural People and Food Security" :
A Partnership Project Co-Financed by The European Commission 15 - 17 November,
2004 - The European Commission, several European NGOs, FAO and UNESCO agreed to co-finance a partnership project to raise public awareness in Europe
on the importance of education for rural people in poor countries.
Press clippings
Education for Rural People - FAO fact sheet.
10 September, 2004
"Education for Rural People - FAO fact sheet."
A joint enterprise and flagship study by the Sustainable Development Department, FAO and UNESCO. A call to boost education in rural areas. Inviting member countries, agencies and organizations to work together to plan greater collaboration in promoting education for rural people.
UNESCO:Education for sustainable development
2 to 3 September,
2004 -
"Education for a sustainable future: action, commitments and partnership"
is the title of the Conference organized by UNESCO, the UNESCO Coordination Unit and the Ministry of Education
of South Africa.
During the meeting were discussed some initiatives. Among them was presented the
Education for Rural People initiative launched by FAO and UNESCO.
Source: Educazione&Scuola - Board.
News e Forum dal mondo della Scuola.
AMERICA LATINA: Educación rural, una tarea pendiente".
13 August, 2004
”Los habitantes de zonas costeras, montañosas o selváticas tienen diferentes problemas, historias y contextos, agrozoológicos y ambientales, que deben ser tomados en cuenta por los programas escolares”, dijo a IPS Lavinia Gasperini, experta en educación de la sede central en Roma de la FAO".
Educating Rural People.
12 August, 2004
"THE Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) said a recent regional study on education for rural people in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru will provide background for discussion at the Santiago workshop, which is organised by it in collaboration with the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation.
Campaña internacional de educación rural.
06 August, 2004
"La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para Agricultura y Alimentación (FAO) anunció el lanzamiento de una campaña internacional de educación rural para incrementar la productividad agrícola y reducir el hambre, la malnutrición y la pobreza en América Latina. El lanzamiento fue realizado en el marco de un taller regional, organizado por la FAO y la Unesco (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura), sobre "Seguridad alimentaria y educación rural", llevado a cabo entre el 3 y el 5 de agosto pasado en Santiago de Chile.
A workshop “Educación de la Población Rural (EPR) en América Latina:
3 to 5 August,
2004 - Regional Education for Rural People (ERP) capacity building workshop for Latin America policy makers and managers
from Ministries of Education and of Agriculture was held in Santiago de Chile. Press clippings
FAO Announces Education Campaign to Improve Agriculture in Rural Areas of Latin America
3 Agust,
2004 - The UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, has announced an international education campaign to improve agricultural productivity and reduce hunger in Latin America.
A medium-term Strategy for Education for Rural People on Kosovo
June 17,
2004 - In Pristina, a medium-term Strategy for Education for Rural People, prepared during 2003 – 2004 by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development with the technical support of
FAO (T.C.P./KOS/2901) was officially launched and presented to the donors’ community.
Press clippings