Articoli dei partners

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    Articles sent by partners:

    Attracting and Retaining Youth in Farming
    From M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    Indian agriculture is at demographic, ecological, economic and technological cross-roads. Demographically, nearly 70% of the population is below 35 years in age and 70% of them live in rural areas. Within the next few decades, India will have the world’s largest number of young people looking for employment. Ecologically the basic life support systems of land, water, forests, biodiversity and climate are in distress and the population supporting capacity of major ecosystems is being exceeded in most parts of the country. India’s ecological debt and Nature Deficit Disorder are growing.

    To view the full article (in TIF KB 376) --->>

    Village Information Center in Benighat
    The program is managed by the Cooperative Youth Organization Nepal (COYON)

    Respecting the right of information and communication to every individual Cooperative Youth Organization Nepal (COYON) has been able to establish a Village Information Center in Benighat VDC of Dhading District in Nepal with most modern mean of information and communication by complete monetarily support of Nepal Hilfe Aachen, Germany and effort local youths. Having computers with internet, Television, Cassette, CDs, VCDs, Library, meeting hall and other modern facilities, the center is believed to be first information center in the Dhading district and it is believed to benefit some thousands of people from different half dozen VDCs of Dhading and Gorkha district. The center is open for public as after education and sport minister Pradip Nepal inaugurate it on 10th of August 2007. Minister Nepal quoted that. "This type of information center is important in rural Nepal and it must be able to deliver right information to the public." He also suggested that "The center must focus on wireless technology for education." He promised to help this center in some way only if the youths keep putting their effort towards its betterment. The Chief District Officer, Dorna Prasad Pokharel says only the organization who bear social responsibility and move towards the betterment of society can sustain. He also told that each and every organization should have responsible in a social matter, equal vision in a political matter and transparent in an economical matter. The Local Development Officer Ganesh Prasad Pandeya quoted that the District Development Committee had already planned to established two information centers in the district but could not success, however he express his happiness to see such kind of information center here and promised to build other center in the different part of the district. He mentions that the youth from other community should learn from COYON.

    Illegal drugs trade: The wrong solution to youth unemployment in Guinea Bissau
    From the YEN-WA Newsletter
    September 2007
    http://[email protected]

    The growing use of Guinea Bissau as a transhipment point in the global trade of cocaine has recently received increasing attention in the media. According to the Independent Newspaper an estimated tonne of pure cocaine from South America transits through Guinea Bissau daily. Experts agree that the problem of drug trafficking is pervasive in the West Africa subregion with countries including Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritania, Sierra Leone already faced with similar challenges and many more at risk. Interpol estimates that two-thirds of all the cocaine destined for Europe flows through West Africa. The severity of the issue has been underlined by recent events such as record breaking cocaine hauls in Senegal in July of 1.2 tonnes and 1.25 tonnes, the discovery in Belgium in June of 350 kg of cocaine in unchecked baggage from Sierra Leone and Gambia as well as 630 kg at an airport in Mali in May.

    To view the full Newsletter (in PDF KB 1230) --->>

    Projet GAP "Enfants de KOYOBA"

    The program is managed by the Groupe d'Autoformation Psychosociale (GAP), Belgium

    To view the full project (in Word KB 124) --->>
    (In french)

    1st Pan-African Prize for Entrepreneurial Teachers launched
    From the Teach a Man to Fish Newsletter
    August 2007

    There are extraordinary educators all across Africa - remarkable individuals who 'go the extra mile' to find creative ways to bring education to their students. They transform limited resources into astonishing results, drive change within their communities and develop educational initiatives which are copied nationwide.

    To view the full Newsletter (in Word KB 281) --->>


    The program is financed and managed by NGO PHRCAD

    The proceeding analysis shows that the situation of children and women in Nigeria is more than ever a victim of economic and political stagnation. Living standards have deteriorated, especially so in urban areas when compared with countryside. Consequently, over one third of Nigeria's children live in poverty stricken families mostly in poor communities. The stressful environment in which child and mother live explains the major underlying and basic causes of deteriorating mortality and morbidity trends, as well as reasons for low access to basic social needs.

    To view the full article in PDF (KB 50) --->>
    To view the abstract in PDF (KB 33) --->>

    BUNYAD, Lahore, Pakistan

    In the rural areas of the province of Punjab, the largest in Pakistan, barely 25% of women are literate; we have to consider that 65% of the population is living in the rural area (72 million). The NGO BUNYAD LITERACY COMMUNITY COUNCIL in Lahore, Pakistan, meaning "foundation" believing in Gender equity felt the 'first step to development was literacy'. Zeroing down on the problem we realized that very few girls/women over the age of 12 years were literate. They were totally dependant on others: male family members or older women of the family

    To view the full article in PDF (KB 46) --->>


    PEFACI is a training programme for rural people which targets the youngs enterpreneurs called to modernize the agricoltural practices. At the basis of the programme there is the Agricoltural Family School.

    To view the full article in PDF (KB 46) --->>
    (In french)

    by Robert Keener
    Sinclair Community College

    Women in rural villages in India today tend to be treated as second class citizens. Their primary responsibilities are to look after the family and household and work in the rice fields. Little else is expected of them.

    To view the full article in PDF (Kb 16)--->>
