FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Technical workshop on locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

Hybrid Event, 19/11/2018 - 23/11/2018

The Agenda of the Technical Workshop is as follows:


1. Opening address
2. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Drafting Committee
3. Adoption of the Agenda

Session 1: National 2018 locust campaigns and forecasts for 2019

4. National locust campaigns in 2018 (countries' presentations)
5. Locust forecasts for 2019 and preparation of the next campaigns (countries' presentations)
6. Locusts: what we know and what we don't know about them

Session 2: Implementation of the Programme to improve locust management in Caucasus and Central Asia

7. Overview on Programme implementation in 2018 and funding situation
8. Regional cooperation in 2018:
a) Bulletins: questionnaire results
b) Cross-border survey: Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan, May 2018 (countries' presentations)
9. National capacities' development in 2018
a) Training sessions (countries' presentations)
• Refresher course on locust monitoring and information management, including Automated System of Data Collection (ASDC), Azerbaijan, April/May 2018
• Training-of-Trainers (ToT): National and briefing sessions on locust spraying and pesticide risk reduction, incl. ASDC use, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, March-July 2018
b) Migratory Locust situation in the Aral Sea area (country presentation)
c) Update on fellowships on locust management
d) Equipment to strengthen operational capacities: update on delivery to CCA countries
10. Programme of work during 2019

Session 3: Developing monitoring and analysing systems

11. Developments of ASDC in 2018 (situation update, issues encountered, lessons learnt and recommendations) and next steps for 2019
12. Developments of CCALM in 2018 (progress made, issues encountered, lessons learnt and recommendations) and next steps for 2019, including (countries' and FAO presentations):
• In-depth introduction of Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System (CCALM), Azerbaijan and Georgia, May 2018
• Training on ASDC and CCALM, including QGIS, Afghanistan Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, September 2018

Session 4: Risk reduction for human health and the environment

13. Mitigating impact of locust control operations: "Practical Guidelines on pesticide risk reduction for locust control in CCA"
14. Monitoring impact of locust control operations: Human Health and Environment Monitoring Teams' work in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, May-July 2018 (countries' presentations)
15. Progress made on control operations, pesticides and biopesticides (countries' feedback), including presentations on biopesticide testing and use
16. Progress made on safety and environmental precautions (countries' feedback)

Session 5: Regional cooperation and locust management: existing challenges and possible solutions

17. Regional cooperation: what is next?
18. Evaluation of project GCP/INT/238/JPN: presentation of results achieved and recommendations
19. Resource mobilization: situation update and progress made


20. Any other business