FAO helps develop action plan to control fish diseases in Kyrgyzstan

©FAO/Victor Sokolowicz
Disease outbreaks severely constrain aquaculture development, and the processes for controlling diseases and managing health are different in aquaculture than in the terrestrial livestock sector, primarily due to the fluid environment.
For this reason, Kyrgyzstan, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has begun to develop a national action plan for the control of fish diseases.
“Aquaculture is a relatively new production system in Kyrgyzstan compared to livestock or agriculture,” said Kuvatbek Bapaev, Acting FAO Deputy Representative in Kyrgyzstan and an FAO technical adviser. “Therefore, there is a need for better management of intensive systems. This will avoid risks related to biosafety, fish health and consequent losses.”
The plan is being developed jointly with the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan under the FAO project “Support of the trout production sector to improve the protection of fish health and compliance with phytosanitary standards in fish farms”. The project was launched in January 2024 as part of an FAO emergency assistance programme in Kyrgyzstan.
Improving water biosafety
The plan, which aims to prevent epizootic fish diseases, will include strategy and management methods.
These and other issues were discussed at a consultation meeting held 23 May in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The meeting was attended by representatives of the State Veterinary Service and the Department of Fisheries alongside stakeholders from universities, associations and other partners.
“The upward trend in fish consumption will continue over the next decades,” said Haydar Fersoy, a senior fisheries and aquaculture officer with FAO. “However, increasing demand for fish requires improvements in fish farming practices and the development of the aquaculture sector. I am convinced that through this project, we will be able to improve the understanding of farmers, veterinarians and representatives of specialized institutions of fish health problems, early detection and successful treatment of diseases of trout and other fish species.”
Prevention is better than cure
Preventing a fire is easier than trying to put one out. According to experts, one of the most important factors leading to reduced antibiotic use in the aquaculture sector is the availability of good prophylactic measures for diseases that otherwise can cause severe mortalities in cultured fish.
The project supports fish farms through the implementation of best practices in fish health management, biosafety on fish farms and the planning of production activities. This can help improve product quality and increase production volumes.
“Fish are one of the most important and useful products in the food basket of the people in Kyrgyzstan,” said Edil Niyazov, Director of the Kyrgyzstan Fisheries Department. “Fish are an excellent source of protein and essential micronutrients. But the growing demand for fish requires the sound management of fish stocks and the development of the aquaculture sector.”
As part of this extensive work, international FAO experts conducted biosafety and fish health management trainings in Bishkek and in the Issyk-Kul and Osh regions from 20 to 30 May to help farmers and veterinarians better understand various aspects of fish diseases and to teach them how to identify disease vectors, implement timely preventive measures on farms, and produce healthy fish. The knowledge they’ve learned will help farmers improve the quality of their products while also increasing production volumes.