FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Policy studies on agribusiness development

Republic of Moldova Value Chain Gap Analysis

Jan 12, 2023, 16:14 PM
John O’Connell, Pavel Kiparisov. The goal of this study is to try to consolidate the information on countrywide value chain development gathered from various open sources and based on materials developed in one field mission by FAO officers with an emphasis on the plum and berry value chains. The authors did not aim at close examination of the selected value chains; rather, this paper is a general overview that will be a reference point for future field work in the country.
Title : Republic of Moldova Value Chain Gap Analysis
Link to External Url : https://www.fao.org/3/I9069EN/i9069en.pdf
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*Publication Date : Jan 1, 2018, 12:00 PM
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