قائمة الفعاليات

العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية

الندوة العالمية حول أنواع التربة المتأثرة بالملوحة  (GSAS21)

وقف تملّح التربة وزيادة إنتاجيتها

20-22 أكتوبر/تشرين أول 2021   | تنسيق افتراضي | Time: 13.00-16.00 CEST

مسابقة بالفيديو عن التربة المتأثرة بالملح

In the framework of the Global Symposium on Salt-Affected Soils (GSAS21), FAO and its Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is launching a Video Contest on Salt-Affected Soils. The purpose is to offer to participants the opportunity to share the successful practices and technologies aimed at rehabilitation and sustainable management of saline and sodic soils.


The videos should illustrate the following elements:

  • Explain briefly the main principles of practice or technology;
  • Explain how the practice or technology helps to decrease the negative impact of soil salinity and sodicity;
  • Show the overall positive impact of practice or technology on soil health and soil productivity;
  • Show the environmental, economic and social context of this practice or technology.

  • Each participant can submit up to five entries by filling this Registration form. For any issues to access the google form, please download and fill this form and send it by email to [email protected].
  • If the entry exceeds the maximum allowed size, contestants are invited to use WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox or any other free file transfer services.
  • Contestants must own the copyright and must have taken the photographs themselves. They may have been taken at any time prior to the contest launch.
  • Participants are welcome to post their photos on their social media accounts, using the hashtag #SoilSalinization #GSAS21. 

Submit your entry
  • Submission opens:  17 August 2021
  • Submission closes: 22 November 2021
  • Three winners announced:  5 December 2021
  • Broadcast of the winning videos: during World Soil Day