Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

This FAO evidence platform provides evidence and tools to support governments and stakeholders in the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

To find relevant documents for a VGFSyN recommendation, select a focus area from the left menu and the sub-focus area of your interest. You will be redirected to a page listing all relevant VGFSyN recommendations. Select a recommendation to access the links to the relevant online documents

Focus Area VII
Resilient food systems in humanitarian contexts

This focus area highlights the importance of linking food security and nutrition during humanitarian crises with long-term strategies in accordance with international humanitarian law, universally agreed human rights instruments, and national legislation and strengthening the continuum of the humanitarian response and development, particularly local development, efforts and ensuring coordination among all actors. It provides guidance on: protecting the most vulnerable to malnutrition in humanitarian contexts; improving the quality of food and nutrition assistance; and ensuring food systems are resilient in humanitarian contexts.

3.7.3 Ensuring food systems are resilient in humanitarian contexts

The four digit numbering of each recommendation follows the numbering in the VGFSyN, whereby the first digit represents the chapter 3 of the document that includes the 105 recommendations, the second digit the focus area, the third digit the sub-focus area and the letter the specific recommendation.

  • Recommendation 3.7.3.a

    Governments in partnership with intergovernmental and other relevant organizations should, where appropriate, undertake food system analysis, develop and use early warning systems, climate information services, and food and agriculture information systems, including food price monitoring systems, that detect and monitor threats to food production, availability and access as well as food safety hazards and tampering. These early warning systems should be integrated into broader food analysis systems including the monitoring of the availability and affordability of nutritious foods that contribute to healthy diets through sustainable food systems at the local level.

  • Recommendation 3.7.3.b

    Governments and intergovernmental organizations should, as appropriate, and in line with national legislation, invest in disaster risk reduction measures that benefit those most at risk/need. In particular, productive assets should be protected from severe weather and climate impacts and other disasters in a way that strengthens the resilience of affected populations and their ability to cope with shocks due to conflicts and disasters including those induced by climate change as well as economic shocks. Measures may include social safety nets, investment in protecting affected livelihoods, emergency fiscal and food reserves, reduction of transaction costs, and identification of platform for integrated programmes. Governments should aim to restore local food production and market accessibility as rapidly as possible.

  • Recommendation 3.7.3.c

    Intergovernmental organizations and development partners should, with the consent of governments, where appropriate, involve local non-governmental organizations, private sector and other relevant stakeholders, including appropriate safeguards for the identification and management of potential conflicts of interests, in the implementation of humanitarian food assistance and livelihood programmes to support economic recovery and development, strengthen sustainable local food systems and foster the ability of smallholders and/or family farmers to access resources to bolster production and markets.