Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

This FAO evidence platform provides evidence and tools to support governments and stakeholders in the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

To find relevant documents for a VGFSyN recommendation, select a focus area from the left menu and the sub-focus area of your interest. You will be redirected to a page listing all relevant VGFSyN recommendations. Select a recommendation to access the links to the relevant online documents

Focus Area II
Sustainable food supply chains to achieve healthy diets in the context of economic, social and environmental sustainability, and climate change

This focus area highlights the importance of promoting nutrition across the food supply chain and suggests ways to create sustainable and resilient food supply chains and sustainable consumption and production in the midst of climate change and natural resource degradation. It provides guidance on: mainstreaming climate adaptation and mitigation; promoting sustainable use and management of natural resources; improving food storage, processing, packaging, transformation and reformulation; improving nutrition and health of farm and food system workers; and empowering youth across food systems.

3.2.3 Promoting nutrition within agriculture and food supply chains

The four digit numbering of each recommendation follows the numbering in the VGFSyN, whereby the first digit represents the chapter 3 of the document that includes the 105 recommendations, the second digit the focus area, the third digit the sub-focus area and the letter the specific recommendation.

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.a

    Governments should, where appropriate, budget for and integrate nutrition objectives into their national agricultural and other relevant policies to achieve healthy diets through sustainable food systems.

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.b

    Governments and private sector and other relevant stakeholders should encourage and promote responsible agricultural investment(*1), and support food producers in the adoption of sustainable production practices and in the production of diverse food that contributes to healthy diets, while ensuring a decent income, livelihoods and resilience for fishers, farmers, particularly smallholders and/or family farms, and farm workers. This should include supporting and encouraging sustainable crop production practices, livestock, agroforestry, animal and fishery systems (including artisanal fisheries and aquaculture).

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.c

    Governments should, where appropriate integrate urban and peri-urban agriculture and land use into national and local food systems and nutrition development strategies and programmes, as well as urban and territorial planning, as a viable input into enabling healthy diets through sustainable food systems and support stable supply of safe and nutritious food.

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.d

    Governments, private sector, research centers and universities and other relevant stakeholders should promote enabling environments to assist and facilitate food producers‘ access to affordable, innovative technologies and practices, including traditional knowledge, technical assistance, skill training, inclusive and sustainable business models adapted to local needs and priorities, and information about nutrition and healthy diets through sustainable food systems within agriculture and other extension technical services/programmes, to enable them to promote sustainable production, protect biodiversity, ensure food safety, and improve the nutritional quality of foods for markets.

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.e

    Governments should support market information systems that provide timely, accessible, transparent information about food-related market transactions, including enhanced tracking of current and future supply stocks and price data including for local and territorial markets, where possible and appropriate. Governments should support agricultural economic research on topics which may include trade and impacts of government policies. Further monitoring and market studies on underreported commodities including those with a major impact on nutrition and neglected and underutilized crops should also be developed.

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.f

    Governments, private sector, donors and other relevant stakeholders should invest in research, knowledge transfer and innovation for producing diversified nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, legumes and pulses, whole grains and roots and tubers, seeds and nuts, and animal source foods.

  • Recommendation 3.2.3.g

    Governments should promote strategies, guidelines or instruments that support appropriate measures to enable healthy diets, in accordance with paragraph 17, and promote nutrition within agriculture and food supply chains taking into account [World Health Assembly] WHA Resolutions 57.17(*1), paragraph 22, and 66.10(*2) as well as national legislations, contexts and capacities.