
Year: 2022
Type: Documents
This newsletter informs all FAW key stakeholders about the latest news of the FAO Global Action

Year: 2021
Type: Documents
This newsletter informs all FAW key stakeholders about the latest news of the FAO Global Action.

Year: 2021
Type: Documents
This illustrative guide on IPM-FFS has been developed by FAO and Directorate of Plant protection Quarantine & Storage (DPPQS), MoAFW for promoting IPM in maize cultivation with special emphasis on FAW management. This is an...

Year: 2021
Type: Documents
These guidelines provide a framework for the development of regional strategies aimed at managing fall armyworm (FAW) by developing evidence-based integrated pest management (IPM) packages. Of particular value is the list of various IPM options...

Year: 2021
Type: Documents
دودة الحشد الخريفية هي آفة عابرة للحدود، موطنها الأصلي المناطق الاستوائية في الأمريكتين ، وقد...