27 February 2020
تتوفر أدوات مكافحة دودة الحشد الخريفية وهي نوع من الآفات الغازية الشرسة التي تلحق أضرارا جسيمة بالمحاصيل في أفريقيا وآسيا والشرق الأدنى، ولذلك فمن الضروري تكثيف التنسيق للحد من انتشارها....

04 December 2019
FAO launched today a three-year Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control to scale up efforts to curb the growing spread of the invasive pest which is...

15 August 2019
Since fall armyworm (FAW) was discovered in Central and Western Africa in 2016, it has infested fields all over the continent except for a handful countries. Anxious farmers...

14 August 2019
Researchers from 16 Asian and African countries have been trained to mass rear parasitoids that farmers can use to fight the fall armyworm (FAW), an exotic pest that...