منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Support for National and Subregional Strategies for Food and Nutritional Security and Overcoming Poverty in Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

The project focuses on the development of agendas for Food and Nutritional Security (FNS) between the various political and social actors involved, governments and civil society; promoting the institutionalization of multisectoral policies; in other words, stimulating spaces and mechanisms for governance for private-public action in the fight against poverty and food insecurity. The project therefore aims to contribute to food and nutritional security and poverty alleviation for the most vulnerable populations in Latin America and the Caribbean, strengthening national and subregional strategies and supporting the development of innovative policies for FNS.

رمز المشروع: GCP/RLA/193/BRA
المنظمة: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
السنة: 2017
البلد/البلدان: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru
التغطية الجغرافية: المجموعة الكاريبية, مجموعة دول أمريكا اللاتينية والكاريبي, أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي
النوع: مشروع
لغة المحتوى: English

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