منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

How to reproduce Brassica oleracea crops in purity

B. oleracea plants are usually self-incompatible and they need to cross with other genotypes for generating progenies. The self-incompatible genotypes require specific management for controlled pollination achieved by spatial isolation in the field or by the use of pollination chambers isolated by net for avoiding pollen contamination by pronubes. Self-incompatibility is a general name for several genetic mechanisms in angiosperms, which prevent self-fertilization and thus encourage outcross and allogamy. The protocol to regenerate landraces or their selections by avoiding pollen contamination is transplanting plantlets (3rd–4th leaf stage) into 10-litre pots filled with a peat/perlite substrate (1:1 in volume). Plants are usually grown in the open until they reach the flowering stage and then moved to pollination chambers either in a cold greenhouse or in open field. In some cases plants are transplanted directly into the field and we then use isolation chambers.

المؤلف: Ferdinando Branca
المنظمة: Bresov Project
السنة: 2023
البلد/البلدان: Italy
التغطية الجغرافية: الاتحاد الأوروبى
النوع: الممارسات
لغة المحتوى: English

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