منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Post-earthquake value chain analysis of greenhouse tomatoes, fisheries and milk products in Türkiye

This report provides rapid assessments of the earthquake’s effects on agriculture, specifically greenhouse-based tomato production in Samandağ (Hatay), fishing in Hatay’s coastal districts (Samandağ, Arsuz, İskenderun, Dörtyol), and milk production in Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş). It compares pre- and post-earthquake value chain functions to identify needed interventions and propose strategies for sustainability and resilience. The evaluation involved a desk review, field visits to affected districts, six focus group discussions, and 20 key interviews with diverse stakeholders. Key findings indicated a complete breakdown of the entire supply chain in the two months following the earthquakes across all three sectors.The report recommends key strategic interventions to bolster the sustainability – economic, social, and environmental – and resilience of producers within these three value chains across the two significantly affected provinces. The report defines three major outcomes: (i) enhanced economic sustainability and heightened competitiveness; (ii) social sustainability focusing on gender equality and improved livelihoods of vulnerable groups; and (iii) enhanced environmental sustainability of the value chains. To achieve these three major outcomes for each of the value chains, 33 interventions are proposed.

الناشر: FAO
المنظمة: FAO
السنة: 2024
ISBN: 978-92-5-139000-9
البلد/البلدان: Türkiye
التغطية الجغرافية: أوروبا وآسيا الوسطى
النوع: كتاب
النص الكامل متاح على: https://openknowledge.fao.org/handle/20.500.14283/cd1776en
لغة المحتوى: English

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