Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Central America/Costa Rica: Critical routes

Women fishers, shrimp peelers and mollusk workers in Costa Rica identify priority areas for the recognition and formalisation of their work. Costa Rica is a country with great marine biodiversity and has an important cultural heritage in its coastal marine areas. However, recognition and opportunities for decent work for the country’s small-scale fishers and mollusk gatherers, especially for women who work mainly in pre- and post-fishing activities, are scarce.

The country does not have a fishing census; therefore, the information on the number of fisherpeople in the country’s various fishing categories is not up-to-date. There is even less information that can be used to analyse and recognise the role and importance of women in the small-scale artisanal fishing sector and value chains. Women contribute not only to small-scale artisanal fishing but also to various types of pre- and post-capture activities, such as processing and marketing of fishery products – activities which are pillars of support for the sector but continue to be poorly recognised.

Title of publication: Yemaya ICSF's Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries
Volume: Nº 60, April 2020
Page range: 4-6
Author: Ivannia Ayales Cruz
Other authors: Vivienne Solis Rivera, Griselda Alvarado Picado, Daniela Meneses
Organization: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Year: 2020
Country/ies: Costa Rica
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Newsletter article
Content language: English

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