Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Challenges and Opportunities in the Food Sector

The aim of the workshop is to examine various types of standards and labels and to build upon lessons learned from concrete examples to identify issues and challenges to be addressed, discuss their potential contribution to improve sustainability of food systems, and propose measures in order to improve their effectiveness. The workshop will try to answer five crucial questions that could facilitate the uptake and scaling-up of VSS: (1) how to make them work for farmers and small food producers; (2) how can VSS be used to enable green trade opportunities, particularly in agri-food products not currently using VSS; (3) how to make them work for consumers globally; (4) how to make it work for the private sector; and (5) what is the role for public actors.The scope of this paper is to identify a strategy for climate change responses in agriculture that are consistent with safeguarding food security, rural livelihoods and the provision of environmental services. Special focus is given to existing and potential future mechanisms necessary to support adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer and financing at national, regional and international levels. The most important challenge for agriculture in the twenty-first century is the need to feed increasing numbers of people – most of whom are in developing countries – while at the same time, conserving the local and global environment in the face of limited soil and water resources and growing pressures associated with socio-economic development and climate change. 

Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2012
Type: Technical paper
Content language: English

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