Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Addressing gender gap in agriculture and the rural sector in the Near East and North Africa

In the Near East and North Africa (NENA), the role of women in agriculture and the rural sector has increased significantly. In many countries of the region, agricultural incomes no longer suffice to sustain the livelihoods of rural men and women. This has resulted, in particular, in massive migration of males from rural areas to cities and neighbouring countries to work as wage labourers, leaving women as main producers of food. However, while various governments in the NENA region have introduced new institutional arrangements and legislative changes in favour of women, there is still room to improve access to productive resources and economic opportunities, adequate rural infrastructure and services. This document analyzes the main challenges in relating to gender in agriculture and the rural sector. Subsequently, it outlines a set of essential elements for national and regional measures to ensure gender-sensitive agriculture and rural development policies through strengthening rural institutions, developing the human capital of women and youth, , and promoting the economic empowerment of vulnerable men and women.

Title of publication: FAO Regional Conference for the Near East
Location: Rome, Italy
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2014
Geographical coverage: Near East and North Africa
Type: Conference proceedings
Content language: English

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