Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Supporting vulnerable groups in the Central African Republic

FAO promotes decent employment opportunities for the rural youth.

The events in the Central African Republic (CAR) over the last two years have left more than 2.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Thanks to funding received in 2014, FAO and partners managed to contain a major food crisis but overall agricultural production is still nearly 60 percent below the pre-crises average. As part of these institutional efforts, the Comité pour le Développement Intégré des Communautés de Base (CODICOM) received US$24 000 from FAO, and over 200 tonnes of grains from the Ministry to boost production and meet the high demand for animal proteins. “Considering the United Nations warning with regard to the food security situation in the country, the Government will make every effort to ensure that projects similar to that of CODICOM and FAO receive the necessary assistance to build the resilience of populations in vulnerable situations,” said Mohamed Yacoub Tahib, Minister for Livestock.

Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2015
Country/ies: Central African Republic
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Blog article
Content language: English

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