Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FAO Regional Initiatives for Country Level Impact in Asia and the Pacific

FAO has been implementing Regional Initiatives as a mechanism to help deliver its work at country and regional levels since 2013. The Regional Initiatives emphasize impact through well focused activities that address the most important challenges in food and nutrition security at country and regional levels. Together with its country, regional and international partners, FAO is implementing four Regional Initiatives in Asia and the Pacific: Asia and the Pacific’s Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC); Regional Rice Initiative; Sustainable intensification of aquaculture for blue growth in Asia and the Pacific (Blue Growth); and Value Chains for food security and nutrition in the Pacific Islands (Value Chains). These Regional Initiatives were endorsed by the 32nd session of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference (APRC).

Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Year: 2016
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Miscellanea
Full text available at:
Content language: English

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