Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Food Safety and Nutrition Strategy for 2010 – 2013

The foundations of the food safety system in the Czech Republic were laid as early as in 2001 when by the Resolution of the Government of the CR No 1320 the very first strategic food safety document was adopted (Strategy to Assure Food Safety in the Czech Republic). The food safety policy is based on the principle of the so called risk analysis comprising three basic  interconnected elements: risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. In the Czech Republic the food safety system is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with other ministries and other state administration  institutions. The risk assessment is conducted by independent state as well as non-governmental research institutes together with colleges and universities. An important role in the process of risk communication is played by non-governmental organisations, professional and consumer associations. The first part of this document presents the role of individual entities and their part in the food safety and nutrition system in the Czech Republic broken down, in line with risk analysis, by risk assessment, management and communication, with a special focus on the cooperation between the CR and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and relevant international organisations (Codex Alimentarius).

ISSN: 978-80-7084-883-8
Año: 2010
País(es): Czechia
Tipo: Revista especializada
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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