Kazakhstan gears up to expand organic agriculture
Kazakhstan’s potential for organic agriculture is considered to be significant. Organic production is part of a government-endorsed “green economy” initiative, and is included in the current country programming framework with FAO.
Successful expansion of organic production, though, will require improvements in several areas: knowledge and capability for organic production, quality control, certification, and appropriate national institutions, laws and regulations.
A recently initiated FAO project is introducing new organic legislation, strengthening Kazakhstan’s institutional capacity, helping with development of a national strategic plan, and establishing an inspection and certification system for organic production.
Organización: FAO
Año: 2015
País(es): Kazakhstan
Tipo: Boletín informativo
Texto completo disponible en: http://www.fao.org/europe/news/detail-news/en/c/297591/
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English