Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Viable Small Scale Farming in Norway

Norway, on Europe’s northern fringe, is characterised by small-scale farming. The choice of crops and their yields are limited by the Nordic climate. Farm policies promote decentralisation and a varied farm structure in order to secure rural settlement, food security, food safety, environmental quality and sustainability. Agriculture receives substantial public support, and domestic production is largely protected from foreign competition. The author has a smallholding of 5 ha farmland and 15 ha forest. Being a retired farm economics adviser, he now wishes to farm the smallholding more or less full-time. The production of pick-your-own raspberries, cut and dried flowers, honey, bread grain and timber will presumable secure sufficient employment and income in the years ahead. 

Lugar: international farm management congress
Autor: Knut Heie
Organización: Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Año: 2003
País(es): Norway
Tipo: Documento de la Conferencia
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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