Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Family farming and entrepreneurship: a study about the trajectories of young graduates from rural youth development centre (CEDEJOR) in Rio Pardo Valley / Rio Grande do Sul

This thesis aims to analyze the trajectories of the young emerged from the Centro de Desenvolvimento do Jovem Rural (CEDEJOR) and its work in Vale do Rio Pardo/RS. Established in three States southern of Brazil, [the Centro de  Desenvolvimento  do  Jovem Rural (CEDEJOR)], through its alternate pedagogy and Entrepreneurship, offers the youngster from agriculture farmers the possibility to develop human, technical and managing skills, in order to promote the local development. Under a sociological perspective, it has been tried to understand the projects of these adolescents, their choices and (strategies of action). Having as a general goal “the Reflection about the representations that these youngsters from CEDEJOR have about themselves, as agriculture farmers or as entrepreneurs and the identification of a whole set of  implications for the local development”, this research is anchored in the Qualitative Methodology from the standpoint of Social Representations, connected to the Social Psychology. For this goal, the thesis mixes a various technics used in different areas of Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology, such as “free word-association”, deep interviews, fotography as documentation, auto-representation and  observing  participation. Having as a background the study of the place, where the farmers live, it  was necessary to bring upon elements that are centered in their social sphere (elements from Politics, Education, Economy), in order to contextualize their actions, to trace their paths and to understand their life projects. Supported by familiar farmers, the region is characterized by small rural properties and for the cultivation of tobacco, in a cenario where a big dependency on this product it is seen. The inhabitants of this region have in the culture of tobacco the basis of their socio-cultural structure. Beyond the dependency from small and medium-sized farmers on tobacco, its influence is also very strong over other layers of the population, being the source of income for poor families, which are employed by the agroindustry during the harvest  season.  The  cultivation, industrialization and exportation from tobacco are under development since 1981 and represent 80% of the tax revenue and income from the families in  Vale  do  Rio  Pardo/RS. Considering that the rural family is integrated in this market, its needs have to be supplied by other activities, in order to obtain another source of social and cultural reproduction. At the same time the exodus from young farmers to the cities damages the development of the region. When the youngster enters in the CEDEJOR he sees other possibilites and (re)formulates his representations of the world, changing his social relations.

Editor: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Autor: Carlise Porto Schneider
Otros autores: Fábio de Lima Beck
Organización: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Año: 2008
País(es): Brazil
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Libro
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: Portuguese

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