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The Quiet Revolution in Staple Food Value Chains

Enter the Dragon, the Elephant, and the Tiger

This book presents findings from a detailed study of how domestic staples value chains are structured and performing in Asia after the food price hike of 2007–2008. Three questions are asked in the study: (1) Are staples value chains transforming structurally? (2) Is the conduct of staples value chains’ actors transforming? (3) Is the performance of staples value chains leading to the inclusion of small-scale farmers, small-scale midstream actors, and workers, and (all else being equal) to lower food costs for consumers? To address the questions, about 3,500 farmers, traders, millers, cold storage facilities, and modern and traditional retailers of rice and potato value chains were surveyed in key rural producing centers that serve the large urban centers (Dhaka, Beijing, and Delhi) of three economies (Bangladesh, the People’s Republic of China [PRC], and India). Domestic value chains were chosen, as they accommodate 98% of the staples in the region. Rice and potatoes are the main grain and the main vegetable staple in these countries. The survey’s findings indicate that a transformational modernization is under way in these staple food chains, albeit at different speeds. In the rice value chain transformation, the leader is the PRC, which appears to be changing faster or has transformed further, especially in the remarkable development of its rice milling sector. In the potato value chain, India is taking the lead, with the spectacular rise of potato cold storage facilities (CSFs) in Agra.

Editor: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Asian Development Bank
Autor: Thomas Reardon
Otros autores: Kevin Chen, Bart Minten, Lourdes Adriano
Organización: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Otras organizaciones: Asian Development Bank
Año: 2012
ISBN: 9789290929109
País(es): Bangladesh, China, India
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Tipo: Libro
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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