Migrant workers in agrifood systems
Topic outline
This course focuses on the essential role that migrants play in our food systems, and how we can reduce the many vulnerabilities they face. It considers the key aspects of safe and regular migration channels for migrant workers in agrifood systems, and practical actions that can be taken by a range of stakeholders to improve outcomes for both internal and international migrants and their families.
This course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective but is written for the general public. It is primarily intended for:
- Policy-makers and advisors on labour, migration, agriculture and rural development.
- Managers and technical staff in the ministries responsible for agriculture, rural development, migration and employment.
- United Nations Country Teams and FAO staff.
- Academia and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) whose work relates to migrant workers or labour supply in agriculture/agrifood systems.
- General public.
You will learn about:
- Key characteristics, concepts and processes associated with migrant workers in agrifood systems.
- Migration pathways for individuals, families and children.
- Additional vulnerability of refugees, human trafficking victims and due to COVID-19.
- The ecosystem services that urban forests provide through their biotic and abiotic processes.
- The vulnerabilities of migrant workers, and the whole-of-government approach for protecting migrant workers in agriculture.
- Elements of safe and regular migration, and stakeholder action to support this.
Organisation: FAO
Autres organisations: UN’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM)
Année: 2024
Type: Apprentissage en ligne
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse: https://elearning.fao.org/course/view.php?id=1135
Langue: English