Inventory of smallholder contract farming practices in Zimbabwe
This report was submitted to SNV Zimbabwe in December 2007, revised in 2009, and documents the experiences of twenty-five companies contracting smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe to produce cotton, tobacco, paprika, sugar cane, vegetables, sorghum and various seed and legume crops in a hyperinflationary environment. The only company contracting farmers to produce livestock processes ostriches for their meat and leather. The report presents information on organisation of contracted farmers, quota specification, extension service delivery, supply of logistical and input support, calculation of producer prices and requirements for input loan repayments.
Auteur: M. Dawes
Autres autheurs: M. Dawes, R. Murota, R. Jera, C. Masara, P. Sola
Organisation: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Année: 2009
Pays: Zimbabwe
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Type: Rapport
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English