Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

''Forest License'' project delivers skills for small-scale forest owners

Luxembourg, like other countries, contains forest owners who have inherited their forest land but they themselves are not involved in professional forestry. These types of forest owners may tend to leave their forest alone and not manage them.

An INTERREG project helped to identify such ''passive'' forest owners and Leader funds were then provided to offer training services for the owners. Two of Luxembourg’s Leader areas (LAG Müllerthal and LAG Redange-Wiltz) were involved in the project.

The aim of the ''Forest Licence'' project was to prepare and run training courses for passive forest owners in how to use and take care of their woodlands. The ultimate goal focused on helping rural areas to get greater benefits from under-used forest resources.

 29/05/2005 - 02/06/2005
Organisation: European Union
Année: 2011
Pays: Luxembourg
Couverture géographique: Union européenne
Type: Projet
Langue: English
