Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Agroecology: the science of natural resource management for poor farmers in marginal environments

Throughout the developing world, resource-poor farmers (about 1.4 billion people) located in risk-prone, marginal environments, remain untouched by modern agricultural technology. A new approach to natural resource management must be developed so that new management systems can be tailored and adapted in a site-specific way to highly variable and diverse farm conditions typical of resource-poor farmers. Agroecology provides the scientific basis to address the production by a biodiverse agroecosystem able to sponsor its own functioning. The latest advances in agroecological research are reviewed in order to better define elements of a research agenda in natural resource management that is compatible with the needs and aspirations of peasants. Obviously, a relevant research agenda setting should involve the full participation of farmers with other institutions serving a facilitating role. The implementation of the agenda will also imply major institutional and policy changes.

Title of publication: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Volume: 93
Issue: 1-3
Nombre de pages: 1-24
Auteur: Miguel A. Altieri
Organisation: Elsevier Ltd
Année: 2002
Type: Article de revue spécialisée
Langue: English
