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Results and Priorities for FAO in the Near East and North Africa Region

During 2014–2017, FAO assisted countries in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region to achieve results in the context of agreed priorities and FAO's Strategic Framework and Medium Term Plan (MTP). FAO's strategic direction is maintained in the approved MTP 2018–2021 and the Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) 2018–19, which set out the programmatic framework and resources for planning, implementing and monitoring results. FAO's Strategic Programmes (SPs) guide FAO's technical work to address more complex, crosscutting and multidisciplinary priorities in the region, including support to countries on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Strategic Programmes integrate FAO's work from global/normative activities to regional initiatives and national programmes and enable identification of relevant stakeholders to facilitate intersectoral and multistakeholder engagement and coordination. The Strategic Programmes support delivery of the Regional Initiatives, which respond to regional priorities to achieve results. As reinforced by the Regional Conference for the Near East at its 33rd Session, during 2016–2017 FAO focused its work on three Regional Initiatives: (i) Water Scarcity Initiative; (ii) Small-scale Family Farming; and (iii) Building Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition, as a means to address the regional priorities and further focus FAO's work for country-level impact and for resource mobilization during 2018–2019. The main achievements in the region during the 2016–2017 biennium include: (i) improved resilience to food security and nutrition threats through intervention to combat plant, animal and fish pests and diseases, including transboundary cases, and implementation of food security information and early warning systems; (ii) sustainable conservation of animal and plant genetic resources; (iii) reduction of food losses and waste; and (iv) development of social protection systems to increase resilience of  small-scale family farmers. In addition, countries have been supported, towards the improvement of sustainable water resources management, climate change adaptation and drought management. In 2018–2019, it is proposed to maintain the three Regional Initiatives with some adjustments, in line with the continuity of FAO's strategic direction aligned with the SDGs and to consolidate results achieved so far. The Water Scarcity Initiative, which additional countries are interested in joining, will place emphasis on water use efficiency and water productivity, climate change, drought management, strategic planning of water resources and sustainable water resources management. The Small-scale Family Farming Initiative will focus on strengthening producers' capacity for sustainable productivity and value chains, through farmer field schools and other means, as well as developing capacity of producers' organizations and rural institutions, supporting market access for small-scale farmers. The Building Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition Initiative will support development of policy and institutional frameworks in countries across the region, as well as improving access to food and nutrition security information for decision support, promoting efficient and inclusive food systems and developing household resilience

Title of publication: FAO regional Conference for the Near East
Место: Rome, Italy, 7-11 May 2018
Организация: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Год: 2018
Географический охват: Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки
Категория: Доклад конференции
Язык контента: English

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