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Gender equality and informality in low-carbon transitions: a review of evidence to identify transformative outcomes

Just transitions to low-carbon societies and economies are important areas of climate-change relevant, post-pandemic and development policy and practice in the global North and the global South. These transitions present opportunities to transform gender equality. Now is the time to assess, negotiate and set gender-equality aims for gender just

transitions to low-carbon societies and to monitor outcomes.

This working paper reviews the gender justice implications of current strategies and plans for low-carbon transitions. It proposes a framework that identifies gender-equality outcome domains (spheres of action and change) where the transformative potential of low-carbon transition pathways can be assessed and, wherever possible, strengthened.

Автор: Simon Anderson , Susannah Fisher
Организация: IIED
Год: 2022
Категория: Рабочий документ
Язык контента: English

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