Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Caravan 27: Research integration in practice

This issue of Caravan describes the new program, and some of the research innovations it will build on. The issue begins with two ‘opinion pieces’ by scientists from partner organizations in the CRP. They share lessons learnt from past successes (and failures), and ideas that could be applied to dryland systems worldwide. Other articles present examples of the integrated, multi-disciplinary approach that is central to the CRP on Dryland Systems – farming systems research, water-saving irrigation methods, salinity management, conservation agriculture, rangelands, feed and fodder, animal breeding and horticulture. and finally a look at new approaches for selecting research sites, and an innovative project that helps women access high-value export markets.

Выпуск: 27
Автор: International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Организация: International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Год: 2012
Страна/страны: Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan
Географический охват: Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки
Категория: Информационный бюллетень
Язык контента: English

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