Diverting organic waste from landfills via insect biomanufacturing using engineered black soldier flies
(Hermetia illucens)
A major roadblock towards the realisation of a circular economy are the lack of high-value products that can be generated from waste. Black soldier flies (BSF; Hermetia illucens) are gaining traction for their ability to rapidly consume large quantities of organic wastes. However, these are primarily used to produce a small variety of products, such as animal feed ingredients and fertiliser. Using synthetic biology, BSF could be developed into a novel sustainable biomanufacturing platform to valorise a broader variety of organic waste feedstocks into enhanced animal feeds, a large variety of high-value biomolecules including industrial enzymes and lipids, and improved fertiliser.
Title of publication: Communications Biology
Том: 7
Число страниц: 862
Автор: Kate Tepper
Другие авторы: Owain Edwards, Anwar Sunna, Ian T. Paulsen, Maciej Maselko
Организация: Macquarie University, Australia
Другие организации: EntoZyme, Australia,
Год: 2024
Категория: Газетная статья
Полный текст: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-06516-8
Язык контента: English