Statistical review
Agriculture - Food Security - Society - Environment
Hosted on CIHEAM’s website (, the Mediterranean Observatory aims at contributing to the exchange of ideas by providing information and analyses on agriculture, food and development within the Euro-Mediterranean area. In this regard, various statistical indicators were collected and processed in order to offer essential information for all those who, directly or indirectly, are interested in the Mediterranean and its challenges. The 2015 version of the Statistical Review, updated and revised from the second issue published in 2012, is an invaluable aid for monitoring and analyzing agriculture and food in the Mediterranean. More than 70 factsheets gathered in six thematic groups (agricultural economics, agricultural production, food security, demography, environment, macroeconomics) reflect the situation of the 13 CIHEAM member countries and of 6 other Mediterranean countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Jordan, Libya, Montenegro and Syria). Since the Mediterranean is facing drastic changes, CIHEAM, with its 2015 Statistical Review, tried to collect data over several decades, most often from the 1960’s to the most recent figures. Numerous sources were mobilized such as the different statistic divisions of the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, EUROSTAT, Blue Plan in order to provide the widest overview possible of the region, its agriculture and its potential.