Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

La Via Campesina Annual Report 2015

Peasant agriculture is faced with a constant offensive by transnational companies that are grabbing land and resources, imposing a mode of production based on chemical inputs and industrial seeds, and making profit out of globalized and de-localised food production chains. Millions of small farmers, women and men are left landless, with no support from their governments, and forced to move away from their communities to find a job in order to survive. Those who resist are repressed, sometimes killed. In 2015 we denounced death threats, beatings or assassinations among farmers of La Via Campesina from Korea, Turkey, Poland, Colombia, Palestine, Brazil, Guatemala, Argentina, India, Thailand and Honduras. Despite This repression farmers' organizations belonging to La Via Campesina have continued to oppose agribusiness and aggressive neoliberal policies and governments that are supporting this unsustainable food system and economic model. 

Издатель: La Via Campesina
Автор: La Via Campesina
Организация: La Via Campesina
Год: 2016
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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