
WIF India workshop: Enhancing Women’s Roles in Fisheries in India, 1-3 February 2010, YUVA Centre, Navi Mumbai, India

The workshop “Enhancing Women’s Roles in Fisheries in India” was organized by the ICSF between 1-3 February 2010 in Navi Mumbai, India. The workshop was meant to discuss and analyze the role of women in fisheries, and reflect on issues facing women in fishing communities and organizations in India.

发布者: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
作者: ICSF
组 织: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
年份: 2010
国际标准图书编号: 978-93-80802-00-8
国家: India
地理范围: 政府间发展管理局 (IGAD)
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
