Farmer-managed seed systems in Dowa, Malawi
A legacy of eroded confidence and agricultural diversity after decades of Green Revolution implementation
This report is the product of field work conducted by ACB and Kusamala Institute for Agriculture and Ecology in Dowa district in central Malawi. The objective of the research was to deepen our understanding of the role of farmer seed varieties in smallholder production systems that have come under heavy pressure from concerted Green Revolution interventions; to look at the extent of agricultural biodiversity loss; and to identify farmer priorities in ensuring adequate diversity ad resilience of seed into the future.
发布者: African Centre for Biodiversity
作者: ACB
其他作家: Kusamala
组 织: African Centre for Biodiversity
其他组织: Kusamala
年份: 2016
国家: Malawi
地理范围: 南部非洲发展共同体 (SADC)
类别: 报告
内容语言: English