
BOND's Youth Forum

The vision of the new generation of farmers for the future of farming in Europe

In order to address the root causes that are aggravating the multiple social, economic, health and climate crises that our society is facing due to unsustainable, unjust and unhealthy farming and food systems, the voice of young farmers needs to be put forward in the process of shaping public policies. In order to do this, the space of articulation of the new generation of people working in rural areas needs to be promoted, protected and guaranteed. This publication showcases the Youth Forum “Young Farmers for the Future”, an activity organised under the BOND project (Bringing Organisations and Network Development to higher levels in the Farming Sector in Europe) involving 34 young farmers (half female/half male) under 34 years old from 34 European countries. The publication presents the process of organising a complex space of dialogue and sharing of experiences between young farmers, leading to the elaboration of a joint Declaration for the Future of Farming in our region. The methodology of work was adapted to the Covid-19 crisis conditions and used participatory methods, support from experts in various fields related to markets, human rights, public policies and innovation and also key policy instruments, while it remained focused on the youth experience from the ground. The publication aims to help community organisers from the ground and also decision-makers to create similar spaces that would enable young farmers at various levels to express their vision and public policies recommendations. In that sense this publication offers an insight on the process of organisation of the Youth Forum, presenting both the difficulties and the solutions identified along the way.

作者: Schola Campesina - Andrea Ferrante
其他作家: Eco Ruralis association – Ramona Duminicioiu, Eco Ruralis association – Raluca Dan
组 织: The BOND Project
其他组织: Eco Ruralis (Romania)
年份: 2020
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
