
Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

The Programme is focusing on three value chains of cocoa, vanilla and fisheries (aquaculture, riverine and in shore/reef) and aims to achieve an overall objective "To increase sustainable and inclusive economic development of rural areas" through a combination of two integrated outcomes: (1) Increasing the economic returns and opportunities from three selected value chains - cocoa, vanilla and fishery while; (2) Strengthening and improving the efficiency of value chain enablers including the business environment and supporting sustainable, climate proof transport and energy infrastructure development. EU-STREIT PNG is the flagship programme for the Hand in Hand Initiative in Papua New Guinea.

组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
其他组织: European Union
年份: 2021
国家: European Union, Papua New Guinea
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋, 欧洲联盟
类别: 项目
内容语言: English
