
The Family Farm Ideology, the Baltic Countries, and Theories of Development

In this article it is developed, based on existing data and post-socialism discourse, a theoretical perspective on the research into the privatization of agriculture in the Baltic republics.

As much as estate ownership in the 19th century, small farming established in sweeping land reforms characterized Baltic agriculture between the World Wars. Before the collectivization, Estonian farms had the largest average acreage and the smallest size differences; Lithuania by contrast, had the smallest average acreage and the least equal distribution of land property. However, small farming was clearly the dominant type of agricultural production in all Baltic countries.

Title of publication: Eastern European countryside
卷号: 1
国际标准刊号: 1232-8855
页数: 5-21
作者: Alanen, Ilkka
年份: 1995
国家: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
