
The connection between product and its place of origin, in the European economic context

The European Union is a social and political approach meant to create a space of common values, shared by several states (the member states), aiming to equalise policies of various fields. At the same time, though, there is a constant concern to keep traditions and the different elements between communities, as well as within them. The European Union motto, “unity in diversity” is the perfect expression of the two trends, which are not antagonistic, but rather complementary.

Title of publication: Rural Romania
期号: 34
国际标准刊号: 2393-123x
页数: 14-17
组 织: Romanian Rural Development Network
年份: 2015
国家: Romania
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
