
Best Practices 2012 competition honours gems of rural development

Through the Best Practices 2012 competition, the Rural Network of Finland wishes to highlight the best projects and measures implemented as part of the EU-funded rural development programmes for mainland Finland and the Åland Islands for 2007–2013. This year, 193 competition entries were submitted for the following categories: 1) Leader project

displaying admirable local action; 2) prosperous development project; 3) excellent rural enterprise; 4) ingenious rural insight; and 5) exemplary environmental effort. Also recognised in the competition was the most outstanding Leader action group. In addition to this brochure, information on the results of these projects is available at www.maaseutu.fi, in the best practice database.

组 织: Finnish Rural Network
年份: 2012
国家: Finland
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 技术文件
内容语言: English
