
The Market Potential and Patterns of Contemporary Agriculture in Romania's North-western Plain

Romanian Agriculture went through major transformations after the political changes of December 1989, due especially to the structural reorganization of land ownership. Agrarian reform started in 1990 with the liquidation of the socialist cooperatives and regulated by the new land ownership law (No. 18/1991), along with a whole series of other laws and government decrees, triggered a process of transformation which could be best characterised as chaotic and painful both for the farmers and for the consumers. The main feature of the land ownership structure that resulted from this is the high degree of fragmentation of the property, the great majority of the former co-operative lands being tended today by farmers whose property is small, usually between 1 and 5 ha or even less.

Title of publication: Subsistence Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: How to Break the Vicious Circle?
卷号: 22
国际标准刊号: 1436-221X
页数: 124-132
组 织: Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
年份: 2003
国家: Romania
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚, 欧洲联盟
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
