Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
Opportunity – the road to empowerment of stakeholders and to partnership between stakeholders and governments
The role of different levels of governance is not fully clear. Action at village level is very limited. Mechanisms for connecting governments and stakeholders are emerging. Governments are committed to the further involvement of stakeholders. The groundwork for LEADER-type partnerships is being laid. Rural development networks are in place or emerging. There are many growth points for action by stakeholders. But the broader mass of rural people are still ill-connected to development processes; and many stakeholders feel that their interests and concerns are not being understood or met.
Title of publication: Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
页数: 50-57
组 织: EU Agriculture and Rural development
年份: 2014
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English