
Status of the World’s Soil Resources

Regional Assessment of Soil Changes in the Near East and North Africa

In North Africa, causes of soil degradation are divided between overgrazing (68 percent), over-cultivation (21 percent), deforestation (10.5 percent) and overexploitation of natural vegetation for about 0.5 percent (Thomas and Middelton, 1994). In the newly created country of the region, South Sudan, there are very limited studies on land degradation. However, there are indications that land use changes have impaired the quality of the land in many places (Dima, 2006). Land degradation in certain areas may affect adjacent areas. For example, degradation in rangelands where rainfall is low has negative effects on resources of rainfed farming areas. This is also one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change (FAO, 2011). Agriculture faces major losses due to land degradation, and yields are expected to decrease by the year 2050: rice yields by 11 percent; soybean yields by 28 percent; maize yields by 19 percent; and barley grain yields by 20 percent (FAO, 1994). Recent studies on the economic cost of land degradation in the region were reported by Hussein et al. (2008); they were estimated at US$9 billion yr-1 (2.1- 7.4 percent of GDP). This chapter will discuss the main soil threats - erosion by water and wind, salinity/sodicity, soil contamination, and organic C depletion. Major causes of soil degradation in the region are due to many factors, including: (I) excessive irrigation and poor drainage; (II) wind and water erosion; (III) waterlogging; (IV) deteriorated soil fertility; (V) over-grazing; (VI) loss of soil cover; (VII) land mis-management; (VIII) sand encroachment; and (IX) overuse of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers (FAO, 2004).

Title of publication: Status of the World’s Soil Resources
页数: 397-442
发布者: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
章/节: Chapter 13
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
年份: 2015
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-109004-6
地理范围: 近东及北非
类别: 报告部分
内容语言: English
