
Organic Innovation Days 2016: review and presentations

On 6 December 2016 the second edition of Organic Innovation Days took place at the Representation of Emilia Romagna Region in Brussels. The event generated a great interest among the researchers, European regions, farmer organisations, companies and policy makers.

The day started with a policy panel where Simona Caselli, Minister of Agriculture of Emilia Romagna Region, called for more training and advice for farmers converting to organic agriculture.

After the policy panel the winners of the Call for Organic Innovations 2016 presented their solutions that addressed the challenges of animal welfare, increasing productivity/quality of arable farming and transparency in the organic value chain.

地点: Brussels
组 织: TPOrganics
年份: 2016
国家: European Union
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 会议录
内容语言: English
